Rolex can now be divided into two categories, sports watches and dress watches. But replica Rolex seems to be focusing his energy on sports watches. Because the collections of Daytona and Submariner are already very hot. However, sales of dress watches are always not as high as these sports watches. In fact, I think Cellini is the best choice for office workers.

In fact, the Cellini collection includes entry-level watches and luxury watches. The price mainly depends on the materials they use. Although Rolex sports watches generally use metal bracelets or Oysterflex Bracelet. But Cellini watches only use leather straps. Next is a Rolex Cellini 50709RBR that shoots tigers.

Diamond Bezel

Rolex Cellini 50709RBR Replica

Replica Rolex Cellini 50709RBR sits on top of the Cellini Time watch pyramid. This watch completely eliminates the bezel with a groove or halo. Because it uses a diamond bezel. Every round cut diamond is basically the same. The Cellini collection has two replica watches with diamond bezels. Ref.50709RBR is one of them.


Rolex Replica Cellini 50709RBR

Replica Rolex Cellini 50709RBR has an absolutely modern dial. If 40MM is the size of men’s sports watch, then 39MM is the most suitable men’s dress watch size. The 39MM white gold case is very suitable as a diamond base. Although white gold is a precious metal, it has not taken away the attention that should have belonged to the diamond bezel.


Replica Rolex Cellini 50709RBR

The light grey rhodium dial echoes the white gold case. Except for the crown hour marker at 12 o’clock, the remaining 11 baton-style hour markers are separated by the minute scale. So half of the hour markers are on the inner dial and the other half are on the outer dial. This makes the simple dial, which originally only provided time, not boring. Because the dress watch is relatively thin, its waterproof depth is only 50M. Under the dial is a NO.3135 movement.

Many people know the Rolex brand. But few people can really afford Rolex watches. Ordinary Rolex buyers will only stick to some traditional models at first, such as Submariner or Datejust. Cellini is not considered until you have a sufficient number of Rolex watches. In other words, if you only have a replica Rolex watch, it is definitely not Cellini.

This timeless and luxury Rolex Cellini 50709RBR is one of the most respected watches in the world. Luxurious design complements Rolex’s renowned accuracy and reliability. Whether you are at work or in a company or resting at home, Cellini is a great choice.

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