Rolex’s success is inseparable from its marketing strategy. The number of Rolex watches is actually limited. Although not a limited edition watch, the number of Rolex watches is really very limited. Especially in some popular styles. For example Rolex Submariner 116610LV. The prices of these popular Rolex watches have been rising, so many people cannot buy their favorite watches. At this time you can follow other brands of watches. Today we will see which watches can replace Rolex?

Omega Speedmaster 311.

Omega Speedmaster 60th Anniversary 311. replica

The first to introduce is the replica Omega Speedmaster 311., which was introduced in 2017. It can replace the Rolex Daytona collection. Because both watches are chronographs. Speedmaster began in 1957, so this watch is a Speedmaster 60th Anniversary commemorative watch. And the value of Speedmaster watches in 1957 has risen more than tenfold. This 2017 Speedmaster watch completely replicates the appearance of 1957. Replica Omega Speedmaster 311. restores all designs from 1957. Including dials, hands, bracelets, watches and more. However, the new Speedmaster uses a modern movement inside. This watch is limited to 3557 pieces.

Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore “BUMBLEBEE”

Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore 26176FO.OO.D101CR.02 replica

The second is also a chronograph. Its name is Bumblebee. It is replica Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore 26176FO.OO.D101CR.02. This AP watch and Rolex Daytona 116500 are at the same price. But Audemars Piguet uses a special alligator leather bracelet. Then, it uses carbon fiber for the entire casing. It is called a bumblebee because of the fluorescent yellow inside the dial. The reason for recommending it is that you can buy a watch made of special materials for the price of Rolex stainless steel Daytona. It’s a better investment.

Tudor Black Bay 79230G

Tudor Black Bay 79230G replica

The third place is replica Tudor Black Bay 79230G. Black Bay is Tudor’s most classic collection. And Tudor is the brother brand of Rolex. If Rolex is an older brother, then Tudor is its younger brother. Black Bay’s movement is also completely developed by itself. Tudor’s technology is very similar to Rolex, especially its performance and stability are as high as Rolex. But the Black Bay 79230G, which is as reliable as Rolex, is much cheaper than Rolex. But Tudor’s gains are relatively small.

Cartier Santos WSSA0009

Cartier Santos WSSA0009 replica

The fourth watch is the replica Cartier Santos WSSA0009. Why should I introduce Cartier? Because Rolex and Cartier are both historical brands. Santos WSSA0009 is a sports watch. Its case, strap, and bezel are made of stainless steel. The overall design is relatively simple and light. If you think the 40MM Rolex sports watch is too big, then you can choose this 39MM Santos. Although Cartier is considered a female brand, this male watch has a unique style. But its time accuracy is lower than Rolex.

For now, the most popular of these four replica watches is Omega Speedmaster 311. You can buy the memories of 1957 at an affordable price. And I don’t think these four watches will depreciate in the future. After three years their value should drop by 10%. So, except Rolex, these four watches are all I highly recommend. Finally, Rolex cannot be completely replaced.

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