Two-tone watches are very popular in recent years. But it has a long history. For example, the Rolex fake GMT-Master II collection that has always had a two-color bezel. A long time ago, it has developed its own style and taste. As we grow older, the two-color bezel is a culture.

Everose And 904L Steel

Rolex GMT-Master II 126711CHNR

Everose is a new rose gold alloy developed by Rolex itself. As time goes by, Everose will keep the color of rose gold. Fake Rolex GMT-Master II 126711CHNR uses this material. This watch is made of 18 carat Everose gold and 904L stainless steel. So it is a classic and luxury fake watch.

Cerachrom Bezel

The Cerachrom bezel is a special ceramic bezel. Fake GMT-Master II 126711CHNR uses a rotatable Cerachrom bezel. The bezel has a 24-hour scale. The brown 6-18 o’clock indicates the day, and the other half of the black bezel indicates the night. So the black brown bezel is also called “Root Beer”. The glossy golden arrow pointer points to the time on the bezel. So it is one of the most convenient fake Rolex watches.


Rolex GMT-Master II 126711CHNR

First of all, this sports watch has a 40MM case. But the fake GMT-Master II 126711CHNR has a larger wearing area and is comfortable. The NO.3285 movement inside the watch runs on average -2 / + 2 seconds per day. Ref.126711CHNR with Triplock technology has a water resistance of 100 meters. Of course this is enough for people who can’t dive. The Oyster bracelet has an Oysterlock clasp with the favorite “Easylink” system on the clasp.

If you have been looking for a special Two-tone Rolex watch, then Rolex GMT-Master II 126711CHNR is definitely what you want to see. It is an irresistible luxury watch. And it is becoming more and more popular in 2020, and its value is also rising. So it is not wrong to choose it.

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