I’m often asked how I should choose an entry-level mechanical watch. It’s very simple, first determine your budget, pick a classic and representative, simple function of the watch can be. Why should you choose simple watches? In general, the more complicated the watch, the more expensive it is. Next, I will recommend 3 luxury entry-level mechanical fake watches for men.

Cartier Blue Balloon WE902006

Although the mechanics of Cartier super clone watches are not very good and often get panned. But its beautiful appearance is irresistible. As far as looks go, the fake Cartier Blue Balloon WE902006 is a very successful watch. More and more people are buying fake watches that care more about how they look than how they perform. This Cartier Blue Balloon watch is made of 316L stainless steel and has a case diameter of 42mm. The three-hand dial is paired with a date window. The hour markers are vintage Roman numerals. In addition, the watch is powered by a 2824 automatic movement with a stainless steel bracelet.

Rolex Oyster Perpetual 114300

The Rolex Oyster Perpetual collection is the second entry-level mechanical watch option. For guys, one of the best choices is the 39mm Rolex Oyster Perpetual. I would recommend the fake Rolex Oyster Perpetual 114300. This watch is made of 904L stainless steel with a polished stainless steel bezel. The strap is also a stainless steel Oyster bracelet. The dial is just a simple three hand dial with bar markers and hour hand. There are many color options for the dial, with the most popular being gray, black, and white.

Tudor Black Bay 1958

Tudor and Rolex are sister brands. The quality of Tudor fake watches is comparable to Rolex watches, but the price of Tudor is much lower. The Tudor Black Bay is the hottest collection within the brand and it also represents a retro classic. The design of the fake Tudor Black Bay 1958 was inspired by a dive watch from 1958. The 39mm case is made of 316L stainless steel. The dial is also a simple three-hand dial, but the bezel is a rotating 60-minute bezel. The Tudor Black Bay 1958 is powered by a 2824 automatic movement, and a stainless steel bracelet.

Each watch brand has its own signature watch. I’ve only introduced you to the entry-level watches from three watch brands. If you guys like other fake watches, you can also buy them. Just keep in mind what I said earlier, and choose a simple and functional watch as your entry-level watch.

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